Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
&& or AND
Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
< <= >= >
Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
! or !=
Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
" or =
To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
- or to
Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
&& or AND
Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
< <= >= >
Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
! or !=
Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
" or =
To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
- or to
Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
&& or AND
Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
< <= >= >
Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
! or !=
Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
" or =
To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
- or to
Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
&& or AND
Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
< <= >= >
Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
! or !=
Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
" or =
To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
- or to
Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
&& or AND
Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
< <= >= >
Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
! or !=
Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
" or =
To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
- or to
Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Mikko Rantanen, Sean Monahan, David Pastrnak, Teuvo Teravainen, Ryan O'Reilly
#1 : Cam Talbot, #2 : Andrei Vasilevskiy, #3 : 0
Custom OT Lines Forwards
, , , , , , , , , ,
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
, , , ,
Filter Tips
| or OR
Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
&& or AND
Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
< <= >= >
Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
! or !=
Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
" or =
To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
- or to
Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
&& or AND
Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
< <= >= >
Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
! or !=
Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
" or =
To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
- or to
Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
&& or AND
Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
< <= >= >
Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
! or !=
Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
" or =
To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
- or to
Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Team Name
Draft Year
Overall Pick
Draft Picks
La vie après Kopitar
By Frederic Lalancette (Kings) On Wednesday 25th May 2022 / 5:19pm
Maintenant que la date limite des transactions est chose du passé, les Kings se préparent à vivre une première fin de saison dans l'histoire de l'équipe sans la présence de l'ancien capitaine, Anze Kopitar.
Le DG Lalancette a fait plusieurs petites transactions, mais deux sortes du lot. La vieille, le DG a échangé PL Dubois, Pacioretty et Gurianov à Tampa en retour de Kyle Clifford et Nick Bjugstad. Ce dernier a été échangé à la dernière minute en compagnie d'Anze Kopitar pour acquérir Ryan O'Reilly et Teuvo Teravainen, deux joueurs que le Roi de la Trade avait dans son oeil depuis un bon bout de temps.
«On remercie Anze pour toutes ses années de valeureux services. Par contre, il était hors de la feuille de pointage et il n'aidait plus ses coéquipiers à être meilleur. On avait besoin de changement. D'aller se chercher un meilleur ailier droit qui peut aller jouer à gauche au besoin, ça offre une belle marge de manoeuvre. Dans son cas, Ryan viendra retrouver son ami Mackinnon et les deux essaieront d'amener l'équipe en série. Même s'il tarde à produire, on est confiant que Kyle Clifford se joindra aux autres pour offrir une belle profondeur.»
Pour le dernier droit, les trios seront :
Guentzel - Monahan - Pastrnak
Clifford - Mackinnon - Teravainen
Martinsen - O'Reilly - Rantanen
Boogard - Datsyuk - Stafford
(Friberg, Macarthur et Powe en extra)
Skjei - Cowen
Jones - Ekblad
Severson - Franson/Sigalet
By Pascal Landry (Maple Leafs) On Saturday 23rd April 2022 / 2:01am
Il y a 10 matchs, le DG Landry décidait de changer la face de son équipe en y allant d'une transaction majeure. Malkin et Frolik s'amenaient ainsi en retour de Kane et Couture. Si le pari était risqué, l'idée de réunir Malkin à Giroux était néanmoins très alléchante. Avec une production diminuée, Kane semblait exiger un changement d'air. Il n'occupait d'ailleurs plus la première unité pour la majorité des 20 matchs précédents. Quant à Couture, il s'échangeait la 2e unité avec le jeune Horvat sans toutefois réussir à se démarquer.
Mais qu'en est-il maintenant après la première dizaine? D'abord, sur le plan collectif, l'équipe montre un dossier de 650 (6-3-1) ce qui est assez satisfaisant en soi. Elle a aussi marqué 7 buts de plus qu'elle n'en a accordé (39-32).
Les nouveaux venus quant à eux, n'ont pas mis de temps à s'adapter à leur nouvel environnement. Malkin pivote le premier trio avec Giroux et affiche plus d'un point par match avec 3 buts et 9 assistances. Sa moyenne de tirs par rencontre frôle le 3 et il démontre en plus son utilité en territoire défensif avec 3 tirs bloqués et 2 revirements provoqués positifs de plus que de négatifs.
Du côté de Frolik, on n'en attendait pas autant, évidemment. Il a été employé d'abord sur le deuxième trio où il a amassé 1 but et 2 passes en 3 rencontres. Depuis, il est utilisé à droite de Giroux et Malkin et il poursuit sa lancée avec 3 buts et 5 assistances en 7 matchs seulement. Globalement, il a atteint le filet plus de 3 fois par match. Ces statistiques offensives permettent d'oublier un peu le fait qu'il a tendance à perdre la possession de la rondelle un peu trop souvent.
On ne saurait pas compléter ce tour d'horizon de l'impact de cette transaction sans jeter un oeil aux statistiques du leader Claude Giroux. Eh bien, fidèle à lui-même, il poursuit sa production habituelle soit 12 points (7-5).
L'un des perdants de la transaction, Braydon Schenn a quant à lui été relégué à la deuxième unité. Cela ne semble pas l'avoir tellement affecté puisqu'il a maintenu le rythme d'un point par match (5-5).
Celui qui semble toutefois avoir une petite baisse de régime, c'est Andre Burakovsky qui n'affiche qu'un but et trois passes pendant ces dix matchs. Pour fins de comparaisons, il s'agit du même nombre de points que Beau Bennett et Pontus Aberg, les 2 autres ailiers droits de l'équipe.
Ainsi donc, après cette séquence, il semble que le DG ait conclu une transaction qui ait effectivement aidé le club à se relancer. On ne peut pas en dire autant de la précédente cependant, puisque Gabriel Landeskog, obtenu en retour de Jake Guentzel semble avoir du mal à prendre son envol. Après 12 rencontres dans l'uniforme bleu et blanc, il n'a accumulé que 5 points. Des points qui ont été obtenus dans seulement 4 matchs. C'est donc dire que l'ailier a été blanchi à 8 occasions déjà. Certaines rumeurs font état d'une possibilité de transaction déjà dans son cas. Est-ce que le DG Landry demeurera patient longtemps ?
En rafale :
Zach Werenski fait partie des recrues les plus productives de la ligue. Il a maintenant 33 points en 56 matchs, et il ne semple plus délogeable de la première paire de défenseurs de l'équipe. C'est désormais John Klingberg qui est utilisé à ses côtés après des essais avec Lindholm et Merrill.
Parlant de Lindholm, il semble déterminé à atteindre le pire différentiel possible d'ici la fin de la saison. Il montre actuellement un atroce -20 alors que seuls Makkin (-1 depuis son arrivée), Ben Smith (-4 avant d'être échangé) et Haydn Fleury (-2 lors de ses 3 premiers matchs en carrière) sont dans le négatif dans l'équipe.
Bo Horvat a quitté la dernière rencontre tôt en 3e période ce soir. Il souffrait de spasmes au dos. Son absence ne devrait pas dépasser 2 ou 3 matchs. Il semble que Colton Sissons devrait être rappelé pour combler la perte.
Le DG Prévost remporte sa 600e victoire dans la LHSS
By Francois Prevost (Blues) On Wednesday 20th April 2022 / 12:05am
Ce soir, la troupe du coach Kariya a gagné 3-2 contre les Rangers du DG Mercier! Le DG Prévost a récolté sa 600e victoire au passage. Sa fiche est maintenant de 600victoires - 385 défaites - 87 défaites en OT/Fusillade et 15 Nulles (LHSS1.0)
Frederic Lalancette (Kings) On 20th April / 10:40am :
Un fait d'arme impossible sans la présence de Omark! On salue l'homme derrière le DG pour son implication à chaque saison! On a toujours réussi à avoir un excellent club chez les Blues!
Francois Prevost (Blues) On 20th April / 12:16pm :
ouin...tjrs sans coupe. 2 finales perdues en 7 pro et une en 7 farm
Frederic Lalancette (Kings) On 20th April / 8:03pm :
[2022-05-19 9:55:25 PM] - TRADE : From Maple Leafs to Kings : Shane Prince (66). [2022-05-19 9:55:25 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Maple Leafs : Mike Cammalleri (74). [2022-05-19 9:55:00 PM] - TRADE : From Panthers to Kings : Drew Stafford (75), Jonathan Sigalet (76), Ryan O'Reilly (76), Teuvo Teravainen (76). [2022-05-19 9:55:00 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Panthers : Andrej Sekera (75), Anze Kopitar (80), Byron Bitz (74), Nick Bjugstad (75). [2022-05-19 9:52:13 PM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Clarke MacArthur (74), Damon Severson (73), Derek Boogaard (77), Vince Hinostroza (70). [2022-05-19 9:52:13 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Justin Schultz (77). [2022-05-19 9:51:54 PM] - TRADE : From Bruins to Kings : Chrstian Dvorak (66), Nikita Gusev (64). [2022-05-19 9:51:54 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Bruins : Oskar Lindblom (63), Phillip Danault (66). [2022-05-18 8:37:10 PM] - TRADE : From Lightning to Kings : Kyle Clifford (79), Nick Bjugstad (75). [2022-05-18 8:37:10 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Lightning : Denis Gurianov (65), Loui Eriksson (75), Max Pacioretty (76), Nate Prosser (75), Pierre-Luc Dubois (58). [2022-05-16 7:23:56 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Senateurs : Steve Bernier (73). [2022-05-16 7:23:56 PM] - TRADE : From Senateurs to Kings : Max Friberg (72), Tim Connolly (74). [2022-05-15 9:22:25 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Lightning : Will Butcher (74). [2022-05-15 9:22:25 PM] - TRADE : From Lightning to Kings : Brendan Guhle (66), Justin Schultz (77), Y:2-RND:4-T.B. [2022-05-15 9:21:23 PM] - TRADE : From Senateurs to Kings : A.J. Jenks (68), Cody Franson (77), Loui Eriksson (75), Max Pacioretty (76). [2022-05-15 9:21:23 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Senateurs : C.J Suess (66), James Neal (75), PK Subban (78), Paul Stastny (74). [2022-05-09 10:11:55 PM] - TRADE : From Panthers to Kings : Y:3-RND:5-Flo. [2022-05-09 10:11:55 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Panthers : Dan Hamhuis (75). [2022-05-04 7:45:05 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blues : Dominik Simon (69), Nick Schmaltz (69), Rourke Chartier (66), Y:2-RND:2-Ott. [2022-05-04 7:45:05 PM] - TRADE : From Blues to Kings : Denis Gurianov (65), Jack Roslovic (67), Oskar Lindblom (63), Y:2-RND:3-Was. [2022-05-03 8:31:54 PM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Y:4-RND:4-Pit. [2022-05-03 8:31:54 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Antoine Vermette (73). [2022-05-03 8:31:51 PM] - TRADE : From Lightning to Kings : James Neal (75). [2022-05-03 8:31:51 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Lightning : Kevin Connauton (71). [2022-05-02 7:01:00 PM] - TRADE : From Capitals to Kings : Kevin Connauton (71), Mike Cammalleri (74), Nick Schmaltz (69), PK Subban (78), Sean Monahan (74), Steve Bernier (73), Y:2-RND:2-S.J. [2022-05-02 7:01:00 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Capitals : Joe Thornton (77), Patrick Kane (83), Wayne Simmonds (75). [2022-04-20 7:03:15 PM] - TRADE : From Capitals to Kings : Antoine Vermette (73), Dominik Simon (69). [2022-04-20 7:03:15 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Capitals : Logan Couture (76). [2022-04-17 10:03:30 PM] - TRADE : From Canadiens to Kings : Blake Hillman (55), Jean-Francois Berube (71). [2022-04-17 10:03:30 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Canadiens : Luca Sbisa (68), Sami Aittokallio (66). [2022-04-15 10:12:05 PM] - TRADE : From Canucks to Kings : Brendan Gaunce (70), Luca Sbisa (68), Paul Stastny (74), Wayne Simmonds (75). [2022-04-15 10:12:05 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Canucks : Garnet Hathaway (73), Marcus Johansson (76), Nathan Gerbe (70). [2022-04-10 7:55:51 PM] - TRADE : From Senateurs to Kings : Byron Bitz (74), Nate Prosser (75). [2022-04-10 7:55:51 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Senateurs : Jason Pominville (76). [2022-04-06 11:49:37 PM] - TRADE : From Jets to Kings : Jason Pominville (76), Marcus Johansson (76), Y:2-RND:2-Ott. [2022-04-06 11:49:37 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Jets : Jason Zucker (75), Pierre-Marc Bouchard (73), Y:2-RND:3-Van, $1,000,000 (Money). [2022-04-05 7:51:13 PM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Jason Zucker (75), Pierre-Luc Dubois (58), Y:2-RND:3-Pit. [2022-04-05 7:51:13 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Derek Boogaard (77), William Nylander (70). [2022-04-03 12:03:21 AM] - TRADE : From Maple Leafs to Kings : Logan Couture (76), Patrick Kane (83), Y:2-RND:3-TOR. [2022-04-03 12:03:21 AM] - TRADE : From Kings to Maple Leafs : Evgeni Malkin (80), Michael Frolik (79), Y:2-RND:2-TOR. [2022-04-03 12:02:59 AM] - TRADE : From Sharks to Kings : Andrej Sekera (75). [2022-04-03 12:02:59 AM] - TRADE : From Kings to Sharks : Eric Gustafsson (68). [2022-04-03 12:02:47 AM] - TRADE : From Canadiens to Kings : Pierre-Marc Bouchard (73). [2022-04-03 12:02:47 AM] - TRADE : From Kings to Canadiens : Mats Zuccarello (74). [2022-04-01 7:02:18 PM] - TRADE : From Oilers to Kings : C.J Suess (66), Ilya Samsonov (70), Y:2-RND:1-Chi. [2022-04-01 7:02:18 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Oilers : Carter Hart (68), Tyson Jost (60). [2022-04-01 7:02:03 PM] - TRADE : From Canadiens to Kings : Brady Skjei (79), Evgeni Malkin (80). [2022-04-01 7:02:03 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Canadiens : Jean-Gabriel Pageau (77), John Carlson (81). [2022-04-01 7:01:33 PM] - TRADE : From Golden Knights to Kings : Mats Zuccarello (74), Michael Frolik (79). [2022-04-01 7:01:33 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Golden Knights : Eric Gryba (75), Luke Glendening (73), Michael Raffl (72), Tom Wilson (73), Y:3-RND:2-Flo. [2022-03-31 7:43:00 PM] - TRADE : From Senateurs to Kings : Jean-Gabriel Pageau (77). [2022-03-31 7:43:00 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Senateurs : Erik Haula (76), Y:2-RND:4-Pit, Y:2-RND:5-Van. [2022-03-27 10:12:54 PM] - TRADE : From Maple Leafs to Kings : Jake Guentzel (77), $3,000,000 (Money). [2022-03-27 10:12:54 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Maple Leafs : Gabriel Landeskog (78), Y:2-RND:2-Win. [2022-03-26 7:39:10 PM] - TRADE : From Senateurs to Kings : Adam Ollas-Mattsson (62), Michael Raffl (72). [2022-03-26 7:39:10 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Senateurs : Byron Bitz (74). [2022-03-25 9:40:36 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Oilers : Scott Mayfield (72). [2022-03-25 9:40:36 PM] - TRADE : From Oilers to Kings : Eric Gustafsson (68). [2022-03-25 9:37:33 PM] - TRADE : From Islanders to Kings : Joe Thornton (77). [2022-03-25 9:37:33 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Islanders : William Karlsson (72). [2022-03-25 9:35:49 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Jets : Matt Martin (78). [2022-03-25 9:35:49 PM] - TRADE : From Jets to Kings : Erik Haula (76), Y:2-RND:2-Win. [2022-03-25 9:35:13 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Canucks : Kurtis Macdermid (65). [2022-03-25 9:35:13 PM] - TRADE : From Canucks to Kings : Garnet Hathaway (73). [2022-03-16 7:04:25 PM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Andreas Martinsen (73). [2022-03-16 7:04:25 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Clarke MacArthur (74). [2022-03-14 7:26:12 PM] - TRADE : From Canucks to Kings : Kurtis Macdermid (65). [2022-03-14 7:26:12 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Canucks : Dan Renouf (65), $1,000,000 (Money). [2022-03-14 7:26:10 PM] - TRADE : From Senateurs to Kings : Dylan Blujus (69), Jack Dougherty (65), Sami Aittokallio (66). [2022-03-14 7:26:10 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Senateurs : Garret Sparks (68), Nikita Nesterov (65). [2022-03-13 12:26:44 AM] - TRADE : From Kings to Capitals : Sergey Kalinin (72), Nicolas Aube-Kubel (67). [2022-03-13 12:26:44 AM] - TRADE : From Capitals to Kings : William Karlsson (72). [2022-03-11 7:10:40 PM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Cam Talbot (75). [2022-03-11 7:10:40 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Viktor Fasth (80). [2022-03-10 7:32:18 PM] - TRADE : From Blue Jackets to Kings : Darroll Powe (71), Pavel Datsyuk (75). [2022-03-10 7:32:18 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blue Jackets : Henrik Sedin (76), Tim Connolly (74). [2022-03-10 7:32:16 PM] - TRADE : From Red Wings to Kings : Tyler Pitlick (71). [2022-03-10 7:32:16 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Red Wings : Dmitri Orlov (70). [2022-03-10 7:32:12 PM] - TRADE : From Blackhawks to Kings : John Carlson (81), Y:4-RND:3-NyI. [2022-03-10 7:32:12 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blackhawks : Radko Gudas (79), Y:4-RND:2-Ott. [2022-03-10 7:32:09 PM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Scott Mayfield (72), Tyson Jost (60), Will Butcher (74). [2022-03-10 7:32:09 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Christopher Tanev (73), Olli Maatta (73), Roope Hintz (68). [2022-03-09 7:45:00 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blues : Charlie McAvoy (65), Jordan Kyrou (63), Y:2-RND:3-T.B. [2022-03-09 7:45:00 PM] - TRADE : From Blues to Kings : Nikita Nesterov (65), Timo Meier (71), Y:2-RND:2-TOR. [2022-03-08 7:07:08 PM] - TRADE : From Golden Knights to Kings : Clarke MacArthur (74), Jared Cowen (82). [2022-03-08 7:07:08 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Golden Knights : Andrew Cogliano (76), Danny DeKeiser (78), Kale Clague (59). [2022-03-07 6:59:54 PM] - TRADE : From Senateurs to Kings : Matt Martin (78), Viktor Fasth (80). [2022-03-07 6:59:54 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Senateurs : Jonathan Bernier (77), Sean Bergenheim (77). [2022-03-06 11:20:37 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Joe Pavelski (76), Y:4-RND:3-L.A. [2022-03-06 11:20:37 PM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Andrew Cogliano (76). [2022-03-06 11:20:14 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Panthers : Dalton Prout (78), Jonathan Drouin (71), Teuvo Teravainen (76), Tyler Toffoli (78). [2022-03-06 11:20:14 PM] - TRADE : From Panthers to Kings : Danny DeKeiser (78), David Pastrnak (74), Luke Glendening (73), Sean Bergenheim (77), Y:4-RND:2-Stl. [2022-03-04 9:04:49 AM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Nick Leddy (76), Robert Hagg (72). [2022-03-04 9:04:49 AM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Radko Gudas (79), Olli Maatta (73). [2022-03-02 9:13:32 PM] - TRADE : From Blue Jackets to Kings : Andrei Vasilevskiy (75), Nick Leddy (76), Y:1-RND:0-. [2022-03-02 9:13:32 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blue Jackets : Colton Parayko (79), Jonas Gustavsson (75). [2022-03-02 9:08:38 PM] - TRADE : From Blue Jackets to Kings : Andrei Vasilevskiy (75), Nick Leddy (76), Y:4-RND:4-Clb. [2022-03-02 9:08:38 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blue Jackets : Colton Parayko (79), Jonas Gustavsson (75). [2022-02-28 11:31:35 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Hits (35) in 1 Game for Kings! [2022-02-27 7:39:17 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Hits (31) in 1 Game for Kings! [2022-02-23 6:57:48 PM] - Gabriel Landeskog has been selected as assistant for Kings. [2022-02-23 6:57:47 PM] - Unknown Player is no longer as assistant for Kings. [2022-02-23 6:57:43 PM] - Colton Parayko has been selected as assistant for Kings. [2022-02-23 6:57:41 PM] - Unknown Player is no longer as assistant for Kings. [2022-02-23 6:57:36 PM] - Anze Kopitar has been selected as the team Captain for the Kings. [2022-02-23 6:57:35 PM] - Unknown Player is no longer captain for Kings. [2022-02-21 9:00:52 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (24) in 1 Game for Kings! [2022-02-14 7:00:59 PM] - TRADE : From Sharks to Kings : Jakob Chychrun (63), Michael Pezzetta (48). [2022-02-14 7:00:59 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Sharks : Alex Iafallo (70), Markus Nutivaara (70). [2022-02-14 7:00:55 PM] - TRADE : From Blackhawks to Kings : Dalton Prout (78). [2022-02-14 7:00:55 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blackhawks : Raphael Diaz (78). [2022-02-14 6:45:23 PM] - Byron Bitz was added to Kings. [2022-02-12 10:21:23 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots (42) in 1 Game for Kings! [2022-02-09 7:19:11 PM] - TRADE : From Lightning to Kings : Henrik Sedin (76), Nicolas Aube-Kubel (67), William Nylander (70), Y:1-RND:0-. [2022-02-09 7:19:11 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Lightning : Brayden Point (71), Michael Ferland (65), Roman Josi (71). [2022-02-09 7:07:54 PM] - TRADE : From Lightning to Kings : Henrik Sedin (76), Nicolas Aube-Kubel (67), William Nylander (70), Y:3-RND:1-Flo. [2022-02-09 7:07:54 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Lightning : Brayden Point (71), Michael Ferland (65), Roman Josi (71). [2022-02-08 7:01:10 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Penguins : Kyle Connor (65), Marek Svatos (75), Sam Reinhart (68). [2022-02-08 7:01:10 PM] - TRADE : From Penguins to Kings : Teuvo Teravainen (76). [2022-02-06 10:11:23 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blackhawks : Colby Armstrong (73), Mike Amadio (70), Kevin Fiala (66). [2022-02-06 10:11:23 PM] - TRADE : From Blackhawks to Kings : Sam Reinhart (68), Tom Wilson (73). [2022-02-01 8:14:32 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Capitals : Cory Schneider (81), Nikita Zaitsev (72). [2022-02-01 8:14:32 PM] - TRADE : From Capitals to Kings : Roman Josi (71), Robert Hagg (72), Jonathan Bernier (77). [2022-01-29 10:00:29 AM] - TRADE : From Kings to Lightning : Sergei Shirokov (75), Nikolaj Ehlers (70), Henrik Sedin (76), Matt Roy (66). [2022-01-29 10:00:29 AM] - TRADE : From Lightning to Kings : Tyler Toffoli (78), Kevin Fiala (66), Colby Armstrong (73). [2022-01-25 11:33:13 PM] - Dan Hamhuis was added to Kings. [2022-01-23 10:41:08 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Jets : Viktor Arvidsson (74), Y:4-RND:3-Flo. [2022-01-23 10:41:08 PM] - TRADE : From Jets to Kings : Nikolaj Ehlers (70), Trevor Moore (63), Y:2-RND:3-T.B. [2022-01-21 7:57:09 PM] - TRADE : From Lightning to Kings : Nathan Gerbe (70). [2022-01-21 7:57:09 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Lightning : Erik Christensen (73). [2022-01-20 7:07:15 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Blues : Brendan Lemieux (70). [2022-01-20 7:07:15 PM] - TRADE : From Blues to Kings : Roope Hintz (68). [2022-01-17 8:37:37 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Red Wings : Ryane Clowe (73), Jordan Weal (60), Filip Hronek (65). [2022-01-17 8:37:37 PM] - TRADE : From Red Wings to Kings : Rourke Chartier (66). [2022-01-16 7:18:37 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Capitals : Caleb Jones (59), Trent Frederic (59), Nick Schmaltz (69), Roman Josi (71), Y:2-RND:1-TOR. [2022-01-16 7:18:37 PM] - TRADE : From Capitals to Kings : Brayden Point (71), Joe Pavelski (76). [2022-01-16 7:15:09 PM] - TRADE : From Avalanche to Kings : Thomas Chabot (68). [2022-01-16 7:15:09 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Avalanche : Pavel Buchnevich (73). [2022-01-12 7:18:52 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (17) in 1 Game for Kings! [2022-01-10 7:03:51 PM] - TRADE : From Kings to Canucks : Philipp Grubauer (81). [2022-01-10 7:03:51 PM] - TRADE : From Canucks to Kings : Brendan Lemieux (70), Nikita Tryamkin (70), Cory Schneider (81), Y:4-RND:1-Van. [2022-01-05 8:58:36 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (15) in 1 Game for Kings! [2022-01-03 7:17:18 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (14) in 1 Game for Kings! [2022-01-01 10:43:37 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (11) in 1 Game for Kings!
[2022-06-20 7:06:50 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-12 9:16:36 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-12 7:25:13 AM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-10 11:36:21 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-10 11:35:34 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-10 11:35:34 PM] Jean-Francois Berube of Kings was sent to pro.
[2022-06-10 11:35:34 PM] Andreas Martinsen of Kings was sent down to farm.
[2022-06-08 8:48:16 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-07 9:14:01 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-06 7:01:27 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-05 9:28:48 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-05 9:25:47 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database. [2022-06-04 9:05:47 PM] Jack Roslovic from Reign is back from Broken Bone (Right Ankle) Injury.
[2022-06-04 9:05:26 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-02 7:00:47 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-01 9:06:24 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-06-01 9:06:22 PM] Jean-Francois Berube of Kings was sent to farm.
[2022-06-01 9:06:22 PM] Darroll Powe of Kings was sent to pro.
[2022-05-30 7:28:43 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-28 9:07:43 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-28 9:05:02 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-27 7:17:46 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-25 7:17:38 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-24 11:09:42 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-24 11:09:39 PM] Jean-Francois Berube of Kings was sent to pro.
[2022-05-24 11:09:39 PM] Darroll Powe of Kings was sent down to farm.
[2022-05-24 11:09:39 PM] Andreas Martinsen of Kings was sent to pro.
[2022-05-24 11:09:39 PM] A.J. Jenks of Kings was sent down to farm.
[2022-05-23 8:06:38 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database. [2022-05-22 11:17:13 PM] Jordan Schmaltz from Reign is back from Upper Body Injury. [2022-05-22 11:17:13 PM] Game 867 - Jordan Schmaltz from Reign is injured (Upper Body) and is out for 2 days.
[2022-05-22 6:57:18 AM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-22 6:57:18 AM] Andreas Martinsen of Kings was sent down to farm.
[2022-05-20 11:51:29 PM] Maximum Pro Players Limit Reached for Kings!
[2022-05-20 11:50:42 PM] Auto Lines Function has been run for Reign.
[2022-05-20 11:49:02 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-20 11:48:41 PM] A.J. Jenks of Kings was sent to pro.
[2022-05-19 10:00:00 PM] Auto Lines Function has been run for Kings.
[2022-05-19 9:59:52 PM] Successfully loaded Kings lines done with Web Base Client and SQLite Database.
[2022-05-19 9:55:34 PM] Auto Lines Function has been run for Kings.